Second cycle [years 2-6 of medical studies]
Classes and placements from DFGSM2 to DFASM3 [years 2-6 of medical studies]
Knowledge management process
The knowledge management process for the General Training Diploma in Medical Sciences (DFGSM in French) and the Advanced Training Diploma in Medical Sciences (DFASM in French) can be downloaded as a pdf:
Practical information about the placements
The decree on medical students’ hospital duties dated 24 June 2014 outlines the provisions for placements and for being on-call.
Registrar’s office
Pr. Alain CARRIÉ
Pr. Jacques BODDAERT
Marie-Christine RENAUD
Project manager to the Dean and Vice-Dean for the Coordination of Studies and Placements
Study at Sorbonne university
We host international students, researchers, academic and administrative staff from our partner univesities. We also accept free mover students for our French taugh diplomas.