Study Group on Idiopathic Intracranial HyperTension (EHTIC)
CRG 31
Clinical Research Groups
For several decades, obesity has been on the rise in all industrialized countries.
The incidence of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIHT) is closely linked to that of obesity, resulting in a major functional handicap linked to chronic disabling headaches and sometimes irreversible visual sequelae (visual field amputation, reduced visual acuity, optic atrophy to blindness) observed in almost 25% of patients. The pathophysiology of HTIC remains a mystery at present, but could be fundamentally changed by recent data concerning the cerebral mechanisms of venoglymphatic drainage.
The aim of GRC E HTIC is to create a single, clear network in France for the management of HTIC, bringing together all the players involved in the care of these patients (interventional neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neurologists, endocrinologists). At the interface of Sorbonne University's 3 university hospital institutes (IHU FOReSIGHT ICM, and ICAN), the EHTIC GRC combines care, clinical research and fundamental research on this chronic and disabling pathology, which is unique in France.
Valérie Touitou
Contact details
Adresse physique
75013 Paris