C²MV : Cardiovascular and Metabolic Complications in Patients Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
CRG 22
Clinical Research Groups
The main aim of our C2M2 GRC is to gain a better understanding of the cardiovascular and metabolic complications of people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV). The results of this GRC's research will help improve cardiovascular and metabolic management in primary and secondary prevention of PLWHA, thereby helping to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, particularly atherosclerotic ones (coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease), and better manage modifiable vascular risk factors (smoking, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes). We are a clinical research network including the Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Cardiology and Endocrinology clinical departments of the Eastern Paris Hospitals, as well as basic research structures in public health and biology at the Sorbonne University Faculty of Medicine.
- Pr Christine Katlama. Infectious and Tropical Diseases. Pitié-Salpêtrière site.
- Pr Pierre-Marie Girard. Infectious and Tropical Diseases. St Antoine site.
- Pr Gilles Pialoux. Infectious and Tropical Diseases. Tenon site.
- Pr Jean-Paul Viard et Dr Laurence Slama. Infectious and Tropical Diseases. Hôtel Dieu Hospital.
- Dr Claudine Duvivier. Infectious and Tropical Diseases. Necker Hospital.
- Prs Gilles Montalescot, Johanne Silvain, Jean-Philippe Collet. Dr Mathieu Kernis, Cardiology. Pitié-Salpêtrière site.
- Dr Mojgan Laali, Pr Pascal Leprince. Head of Cardiac Surgery. Pitié-Salpêtrière site.
- Pr Laurent Chiche. Vascular Surgery Department of Pr F. Koskas. Pitié-Salpêtrière site.
Pr D. Costagliola. Pr F. Carat, Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Sorbonne University, INSERM
- Pr B. Fève. CDR St Antoine. Endocrinology, St Antoine site
- Pr C. Vigouroux (Endocrinology Department of Pr S. Christin-Maitre. St Antoine site. Head of the Reference Center for Rare Insulin Secretion and Insulin Sensitivity Pathologies PRISIS, Endocrinology, St Antoine Site).
- Dr Camille Vatier (Pr S. Christin-Maitre's Endocrinology Department, St Antoine site)
Franck Boccara MD PhD, cardiologist
Ariel Cohen MD PhD, cardiologist
Laurie Soulat-Dufour MD, cardiologist
Saroumadi Adavane MD, cardiologist
Sylvie Lang PhD, biostatistician
Franck Boccara
Adresse physique
75012 Paris
+33 1 49 28 24 49
27 rue de Chaligny 75012 Paris
27 rue de Chaligny 75012 Paris