Practical information

You will find here all the information you need to prepare your arrival in Paris!

Practical information

Finding an accommodation is a key step in the preparation of your time abroad. It can be difficult to find a place to live in Paris but there are many ways to find your future accommodation and enjoy your stay in Paris! Do not hesitate to start your searches early. Here are some useful links that will help you find a place to stay:


The CROUS is a branch of the French public higher education system in charge of various issues related to student life such as housing, food, scholarships and employment. The CROUS of Paris provides around 6,500 accommodations for students and for a large range of prices. You will find single, shared rooms as well as apartments of all sizes. To get more information, go to the CROUS website. To apply for an accomodation go to the "Se loger" section on this website.


The ALJT (Association Logement Jeunes Travailleurs) offers housing especially for young workers and students between 18 and 32 years old. There is a residence in Villejuif that offers studios ranging from 543€ to 623€ where Sorbonne Université’s students are welcomed to stay. Go to the website of the residence here, apply and indicate "SU Partenariat" in comments.


Studapart is also a partner platform that acts in favour of access to housing. It provides students and future students with an online platform that allows them to access various housing offers from individuals and private student residences. For international students, a multilingual team is at your disposal to answer questions! You can consult the platform here ( ). To know more about the registration procedures, click on this link to access the new guides available in French and English ( )

Immojeune is a platform that offers single rooms or shared rooms, studios or apartments to students. Rents start at 800€, for more information go to:


Other alternatives are also possible:

The AFEV (Association de la Fondation Etudiante pour la Ville) saves rooms in its accomodations for Sorbonne Université’s students! This platform offers rooms in shared flats and allows students participation in a solidarity project called KAPS. This project offer a lower rent in exchange of actions in the neighbourhood. You can find more information on the AFEV website ( and apply online at . Do not forget to add "SU/AFEV Partenariat" to your application in the comments!

Intergenerational cohabitation is also a very good alternative to find an accommodation in Paris. Here are some platforms that will allow you find your future roommate!


    Colette Club:





These two platforms offer you rooms in private houses for affordable rent prices in a safe and warm environment.

The Foyer International des Etudiantes welcomes international students for long or short stays. It is a place of sharing and inclusion that offers 98 rooms. For more information, visit their website here ( ). Room rents are between 450€ and 650€ per month.


The Maison des Lycéennes offers rooms for girls only, and it is possible to rent a room during the summer during your internship. Rents are between 700€ and 800€, for more information, go to:


You can also find accommodation through private rental platforms. However, be careful when searching for accommodation, some ads can be very advantageous but others can be scams. It is therefore recommended to remain vigilant and organise visits with the landlords before signing any paper or sending any money.


Le Bon Coin is the biggest website for private ads in France. You can rent a single room, a shared room or a studio for a wide range of prices. Do not hesitate to visit the place before committing yourself. You can make very good deals! Go to:


Particulier à Particulier (PAP), like Le Bon Coin, offers rooms and studios for rent through individuals. Go to:


Se Loger follows the same operation as the last two sites, don't hesitate to visit:


You can also join Facebook groups, on which ads are also posted. You can also meet people and create a group of friend to rent a house or a flat!

Paris : colocation, location, sous-location, appart
Location Appartement Paris

Appartement Paris : location, colocation entre particuliers
PARIS: Location appartement, Colocation, Sous-location

Also, if you consider co-living, you may check La carte des colocs and Chez Nestor websites.  


You rent a flat/a student room? You are eligible for housing aid paid by CAF. The amount you will receive depends on the surface and on the type of accomodation you are occupying. For more information:



Please consult this website.


If you wish to apply for  special examination arrangements, please send a message to:

Tél : 01 44 27 46 31 / 01 44 27 75 15