Center for Immunology and Microbial Infections
MRSU 1135 - CIMI
The Center for Immunology and Infectious Diseases (Cimi) is a joint research unit created in 2014 and affiliated with Sorbonne University, Inserm and CNRS. The Cimi is located on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine of Sorbonne University on the site of Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris.
This location creates a strong dynamic of exchanges between research teams and hospital services. About 150 people work at Cimi, including researchers, teachers, technical staff and research support.
Research at Cimi explores the functions of the immune system and host-pathogen interactions, and seeks to develop new therapeutic strategies in the field of immunology and infectious diseases.
Topics: immunology, inflammation, immuno-oncology, microbiology, host-pathogen interactions, antibiotic resistance, vaccinology.
The teams of the CIMI research center:
Emergence and spread of multi-resistance to antibiotics - Team of Alexandra Aubry
Chemokines, Phagocytes and Inflammation - Team of Alexandre Boissonnas
Immunity and Vaccination - Team of Béhazine Combadière
Microenvironment, Immune and Immunotherapy - Team of Marie-Caroline Dieu-Nosjean
Study and manipulation of tolerance in Immunopathology - Team of Guy Gorochov's
Immunity & Microbial Ecology - Team of Martin Larsen
Immunoregulation and Therapy of Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer - Team of Benoit Salomon
Immunopathogenesis of viral infections and immune aging - Team of Delphine Sauce
Biology and immunology of malaria - Team of Olivier Silvie
Immunity, infection and cancer of NK & T cells - Team of Vincent Vieillard
Signaling and Pathogenesis - Team of Robert Weil
Dynamics, structure and molecular biology of fungal invasion - Team of Allon Weiner
SILVIE Olivier
Autres tutelles
- Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale | INSERM
- Sorbonne Université
Contact details
Adresse postale
Faculty of Health Sciences Sorbonne University 91 Boulevard de l’Hôpital - 75013 Paris, France