CRG 15
Clinical Research Groups
Psychiatric disorders and development
The Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital group conducts research whose themes are closely linked to the psychiatric disorders that are treated in the department. There are two primary areas of research: childhood developmental disorders and severe psychiatric disorders in adolescents, both with a view to understanding the etiological factors, studying their clinical heterogeneity, and establishing approaches to therapeutic management. Three types of studies are conducted : in clinical research; in the field of genetics and proteomics of psychiatric disorders; in the field of cognitive psychology and engineering.
Our clinical research group (GRC) is pursuing three main lines of research in three teams:
Team 1: led by C. Laurent-Levinson, MCU-PH (Maître de Conférences des Universités-Praticien Hospitalier). This project is a continuation of previous work and concerns the “Dimensional approach of psychotic episodes in children and adolescents: genetic, metabolic and autoimmune implications“. This study of the clinical characterization of neurodevelopmental dimensional profiles of early-onset schizophrenia is being expanded with a multi-center national recruitment effort (PHRC interregional funding) and with a multidisciplinary approach including assessment of clinical / developmental / pharmacological (response to treatment) profiles, and functional imaging, cognitive and neuropsychological assessment. We will continue to identify genetic abnormalities and will contribute to the characterization of the phenotypes of children / adolescents with psychotic disorders who carry these CNVs and of children with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders (ASD, ADHD, learning disabilities, social communication disorders)
The second line of research led by A. Consoli, PU-PH (Professeur des Universités – Praticien Hospitalier), concerns clinical and therapeutic aspects of rare, severe and complex syndromes of development. Clinical research is aimed at establishing correlations between therapeutic responses and clinical and etiological dimensions (children and adolescents with the same genetic defect, the same autoimmune context). Thus, in collaboration with the the Center of Rare Diseases with Psychiatric Expression (Centre de maladies rares à expression psychiatrique, CRMR), we have a particular interest in the efficacy of topiramate on irritability / impulsivity symptoms, hyperphagia, self-mutilation in Prader Willi syndrome (currently conducting an 8-week randomized double-blind multi-center study). A second area of interest is the characterization of early forms of bipolar type I disorder. Previously, we conducted a study of adolescent-onset cases of bipolar disorder type I. We are currently developing a project to characterize Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) in pre-pubertal children. Finally, we are conducting research on catatonic syndrome associated with organic (including auto-immune) pathologies, and we are continuing the study of our cohort of children and adolescents with catatonia (clinical, ethio-pathogenic, genetic and therapeutic).
Team 3 led by David Cohen, PU-PH (Professeur des Universités – Praticien Hospitalier), this team focuses on cognition and social interactions. The objectives of this group are simultaneously fundamental (testing of certain theoretical models of the interactions of the cognitive and emotional functioning) and applied (studies of evaluation and of clinical management) using robotics as a tool. The fundamental aspects are developed at the ISIR (engineering laboratory) while the GRC team carries out the clinical evaluation and management protocols. This original psychopathological approach is currently exploring some hypotheses of early infant mother interactions, neurodevelopmental disorders, and stress management.
Research teams
Xavier Benarous, MCU-PH, MD PhD CHU Amiens
Jean-Yves Barreyre PhD Retired
Dominique Chauvin Retired speech therapist executive
David Cohen PU-PH, MD, PhD, HDR , Sorbonne Université
Angèle Consoli PU-PH, MD, PhD, HDR, Sorbonne Université
Cora Cravero, PH, MD AP-HP
Marianna Giannitelli PH, MD, PhD, AP-HP
Claudine Laurent-Levinson MCU-PH, MD, PhD, HDR, Sorbonne Université
Douglas F Levinson, Prof, Stanford University, USA
Vanessa Milhiet PH, MD, AP-HP
Didier Périsse PH, MD, AP-HP
Marie Raffin PH, MD PhD, AP-HP
Catherine Saint-Georges, PH, half time, MD, PhD, AP-HP
Sylvie Viaux-Savelon PH, MD, PhD, HDR Hospices civils de Lyon
Juliette Bouzy,shared assistant AP-HP - Fondation Santé des Étudiants de France
Zeineb Ghattassi, MD Attaché practitioner, AP-HP
Cyril Hanin, CCA Research Sorbonne Université
Isabelle Millet, CCA, MD, Sorbonne Université
Anne-Sophie Pellen, CRA, M2 SGO AP-HP
Hugues Pellerin, biostatistician, doctor of pharmacy, AP-HP
Paloma Torres, CCA
International Collaborators
Vincent Guinchat PH, PhD Université de Lausanne, Suisse
Trubetskoy V et al., Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia. Nature. 2022 Apr 8. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04434-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35396580.
Hanin C, Arnulf I, Maranci JB, Lecendreux M, Levinson DF, Cohen D, Laurent-Levinson C. Narcolepsy and psychosis: A systematic review. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2021 Jul;144(1):28-41. doi: 10.1111/acps.13300. Epub 2021 May 5. PMID: 33779983; PMCID: PMC8360149.
Giannitelli M, Levinson DF, Cohen D, Xavier J, Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia Collaboration, Laurent-Levinson C. Developmental and symptom profiles in early-onset psychosis. Schizophrenia Research 2020; 216:470-478.
Ouss L, Palestra G, Saint-Georges C, Leitgel Gille M, Afshar M, Pellerin H, Bailly K, Chetouani M, Robel L, Golse B, Nabbout R, Desguerre I, Guergova-Kuras M, Cohen D. Behavior and interaction imaging at 9 months of age predict autism/intellectual disability in high-risk infants with West syndrome. Translational Psychiatry 2020; 10:e54.
Benarous X, Consoli A, Cohen D, Renaud J, Lahaye H, Guile JM. Suicidal behaviors and irritability in children and adolescents: a systematic review of the nature and mechanisms of the association. European Child Adolescent Psychiatry. 2019; 28(5), 667-683.
Consoli A, Cabal-Berthoumieu S, Raffin M, Thuilleaux D, Poitou C, Coupaye M, Pinto G, Lebbah S, Zahr N, Tauber M, Cohen D, Bonnot O. Effect of topiramate on eating behaviours in Prader-Willi syndrome: TOPRADER double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study. Translational Psychiatry 2019; 9:e274.
Grossard C, Hun S, Dapogny A, Juillet E, Hamel F, Jean-Marie H, Bourgeois J, Pellerin H, Foulon P, Serret S, Grynszpan O, Bailly B, Cohen D. Teaching facial expression production in autism: the serious game JEMImE. Creative Education 2019; 10:e2347.
Benarous X, Raffin M, Ferrafiat, Consoli A, Cohen D. Catatonia in children and adolescents: new perspectives. Schizophrenia Research 2018; 200:57-67.
Ferrafiat V, Raffin M, Freri E, Granata T, Nardocci N, Zibordi F, Bodeau N, Benarous X, Olliac B, Riquin E, Xavier J, Viaux S, Haroche J, Amoura Z, Gerardin P, Cohen D, Consoli A. A causality algorithm to guide diagnosis and treatment of catatonia due to autoimmune conditions in children and adolescents. Schizophrenia Research 2018; 200:68-76.
Giannitelli M, Consoli A, Raffin M, Jardri R, Levinson DF, Cohen D, Laurent-Levinson C. An overview of medical risk factors for childhood psychosis: Implications for research and treatment. Schizophr Res. (2018) 192:39-49. Review. PMID: 28526280.
Grossard C, Chaby L, Hun S, Pellerin H, Bourgeois J, Dapogny A, Ding H, Serret S, Foulon P, Chetouani M, Chen L, Bailly K, Grynszpan O, Cohen D. Children Facial Expression Production: Influence of Age, Gender, Emotion Subtype, Elicitation Condition and Culture. Front Psychol. 2018; 9:e446.
Raffin M, Consoli A, Giannitelli M, Philippe A, Keren B, Bodeau N, Levinson DF, Cohen D, Laurent-Levinson C. Catatonia in Children and Adolescents: A High Rate of Genetic Conditions. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2018 Jul;57(7):518-525.e1. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2018.03.020. PubMed PMID: 29960699.
Raffin M, Gianitelli M, Bonnot O, Bodeau N, Bibrak B, Inaoui R, Coussieu C, Fautrel B, Laurent C, Cohen D, Consoli A. Hormonal risk factors of osteoporosis in children and adolescents with severe mental illness: aripripazole may be safer than risperidone. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2018: 719-726.
Xavier J., Zhou B., Bilan F., Zhang X., Gilbert-Dussardier B., Viaux-Savelon S., Pattni R., Ho S. S., Cohen D., Levinson D. F., Urban A. E. & Laurent-Levinson C.. 1q21.1 microduplication: large verbalnonverbal performannce discrepancy and ddPCR assays of HYDIN/HYDIN2 copy number. NPJ Genom Med. 2018 Aug 22;3:24. doi:10.1038/s41525-018-0059-2. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID: 30155272; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6105585.
Benarous X, Consoli A, Guile JM, Garny de la Riviere S, Cohen D, Olliac B. Evidence based treatments for youths with severely dysregulated mood: a qualitative systematic review of trials for SMD and DMDD. European Child Adolescent Psychiatry 2017; 26: 5-23.
Jouen AL, Narzisi A, Xavier J, Tilmont E, Bodeau N, Bono V, Ketem-Premel N, Anzalone S, Maharatna K, Chetouani M, Muratori F, Cohen D, Michelangelo Study Group. GOLIAH (Gaming Open Library for Intervention in Autism at Home): A 6-month single blind matched controlled exploratory study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 2017; 11:e17. doi: 10.1186/s13034-017-0154-7.
Marshall CR et al., Psychosis Endophenotypes International Consortium, CNV and Schizophrenia Working Groups of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Contribution of copy number variants to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects. Nat Genet. (2017);49:27-35. Erratum in: Nat Genet. 2017 ;49:1558. Nat Genet. (2017) 49:651. PMID: 27869829.
Mrs Catherine Le Mené
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