4EU+ Against Cancer SUMMER SCHOOL
Oncology, combining preclinical (i.e. in silico, in vitro, in vivo) and clinical (early and late phases) research becomes even more complex once we consider additional related complementary fields of investigations. Consequently, oncological research becomes more and more cost- and time-consuming. This Summer School will give an overview of the different axes of research in oncology and different fundings of research.
Date: 03 – 09 July 2022 _ Warsaw University
1 week - 30 hours - 6 ECTS delivered
International researchers, teachers and members from 4EU+ universities (i.e. Charles, Sorbonne, Warsaw, Milan, Copenhagen, and Heidelberg) will give lectures and meet students.
- Day 1 : Arrival
- Day 2 : Unofficial opening and social event
- Day 3 : Basic research in oncology
- Day 4 : Translational and clinical research in oncology
- Day 5 : Bioinformatics and computational biology in oncology
- Day 6 : Drug development
- Day 7 : Fund raising, communication
The purpose is to give students an overview of the multiple components of complex and multidisciplinary research in oncology. In addition, brief information about general principles of science funding will be presented.
During the summer school, the students will
- Attend lectures illustrating important topics of contemporary research in oncology
- Interact with international researchers, teachers and experts
- Interact with international students, to start building their own network
- Present an article
- Students from 4EU+ universities
- Bachelor or Master 1 Degree or Equivalent
- Interest to continue in oncology-related studies
- Provable curricular and extracurricular activities demonstrating such interest
- Motivation letter
The summer school will be fully covered for selected students by their respective 4EU+ universities
Leading faculty
- Prof Ahmed Idbaih (Sorbonne University, Paris, France)
- Dr Catherine Grabowski (Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof Aleksi Sedo (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
- Prof Giancarlo Pruneri (Milan University, Italy)
How to apply
Applications are now open; please send your motivation letter and your curriculum vitae to all 4 leading faculty by April 30, 2022
- Prof Ahmed Idbaih : ahmed.idbaih@aphp.fr
- Dr Catherine Grabowski : catherine.grabowski@uw.edu.pl
- Prof Aleksi Sedo : aleksi@cesnet.cz
- Prof Giancarlo Pruneri : giancarlo.pruneri@istitutotumori.mi.it