Clinical Research Groups
The Clinical Research Groups of Sorbonne University (CRG SU) primarily bring together university-hospital investigators on a defined theme, the researcher not being attached to a research structure under supervision / co-supervision of Sorbonne University.
Our medical faculty launched in 2019 its 3rd call for candidates for the labeling of CRG SU.
Labeling objectives:
- Recognize quality structures and high level of expertise in the field of clinical research
- Strengthen the national and international academic visibility of Clinical Research Groups
This labeling allows:
- to welcome master students;
- apply for calls for doctoral projects from Sorbonne University doctoral schools;
- to have SU manage financing from public agencies, companies or non-profit organizations
This 3rd wave of labeling was led by a selection committee (composed of members of the faculty of health sciences, experts from outside the SU and representatives of the decanal team) which also assessed the activity of the existing RCMPs and the relevance of their possible renewal At the end of this evaluation, 9 RCMPs were renewed and 11 new RCMPs were certified. These 20 structures are recognized by SU until December 2023 so that they are in phase with the contract which binds SU with the EPST Indeed, one of the possible fate of the CRG is their transformation into a team labeled SU / Inserm or their integration into a team labeled SU / Inserm.