Expert Center for Endometriosis
Clinical Research Groups
The GRC6 was created in 2011 on the topic of endometriosis incorporating different specialties: gynecologic surgeons, medically assisted procreation specialists, endocrinologists, radiologists, pathologists, urologists and digestive surgeons, psychologists, specialists in pain and alternative medicine (osteopathy, etc.)
This led to the creation of the first multidisciplinary consultation meeting (RCP) in endometriosis in France.
The main objective of the GRC6 is to improve the management of patients with endometriosis by creating a diagnostic center in one day.
The clinical research activity led to the publication of 83 articles. In addition, in connection with the UMRS 938, we supervised 5 masters 2 and 2 PhD students.
At the same time, the GRC6 was sought to participate in the recommendations for the management and treatment of endometriosis under the aegis of the HAS and the CNGOF in 2017.
The project promoter is involved in the endometriosis commission of the CNGOF which published the criteria for defining expert centers in endometriosis. Similarly, we have been sought to create the endometriosis network of the AP-HP that will be effective in early 2020. Finally, we are responsible for organizing for the DGOS the “bridgeheads” and expert centers for the Ile-de-France.
As such, Tenon will be “bridgehead” for the North and East territories of Ile-de-France.
The first research theme is the medical and surgical innovations of the treatment of endometriosis.
The second theme concerns the development of methods of preserving fertility including fertility sparing surgery and ovarian cryopreservation.
The third theme of fundamental research is the identification of pathways involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis and the impact of angiogenic factors.
- Dr Sofiane Bendifallah, MD PhD, Gynecologic Surgeon
- Pr Nathalie Chabbert-Buffet, MD, PhD Endocrinologist
- Pr Cyril Touboul, MD PhD, Gynecologic Surgeon
- Pr Marc Bazot MD, Radiologist
- Pr Isabelle Thomassin Nagarra, MD PhD, Radiologist
- Dr Marine Varinot, Pathologist
- Pr Sidney Houry, MD, Digestive Surgeon
- Dr Valéria Loi, MD, Digestive Surgeon
- Pr Olivier Cussenot, MD PhD, Urologist
- Dr Mattieu Haddad, MD, Urologist
- Pr Jean-Marie Antoine, MD, Specialist in Assisted Reproductive techniques
- Dr Emmanuelle Mathieu-d’Argent, MD, Specialist in Assisted Reproductive techniques
- Dr Kamila Kolanska, MD, Specialist in Assisted Reproductive techniques
- Pr Rachel Levy, MD PhD, Biologist
- Madame Christelle Lasseron, psychologist
- Madame Camille Daraï, osteopath
Contact details
Adresse physique
75020 PARIS
Adresse postale
75020 PARIS