Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health
MRSU 1136
The Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health is a unique laboratory gathering all the research forces in Epidemiology and Public Health within Sorbonne Université. The Institute is covering the main domains of epidemiology, whether clinical, populational or social, as well as pharmacoepidemiology, biostatistics, statistical and mathematical modelling, relations between environment and health status, social determinants of health, and health care organization. In terms of applications we are dealing mainly with communicable diseases (influenza, HIV infection, viral hepatitis, …), nosocomial and emerging infections, with chronic diseases (inflammatory chronic diseases, respiratory, allergic and cardiovascular diseases), with psychiatric disorders and with critical care.
Communicable Diseases Surveillance and Modelling (SUMO)
Pierre-Yves Boëlle
Team ” Surveillance and modelling of communicable diseases ” was created within the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (IPLESP) in 2014. The team is composed of specialists in disease surveillance (general medicine, nosocomial infections, travel related diseases) and in computerized and statistical modelling of epidemics (influenza, HIV and emerging diseases in particular). This combination of skills allows pursuing a common scientific objective: to develop innovative integrated information systems to support public health decision-making in infectious disease surveillance and control.
Clinical epidemiology of chronic viral diseases (CLEPIVIR)
Fabrice Carrat
The CLEPIVIR team focuses on the clinical epidemiology of chronic viral diseases: HIV, hepatitis B, C and Delta and coinfections. Researchers in this team coordinate the main thematic cohorts in these areas: the FHDH, French Hospital Database on HIV infection – ANRS CO4; the ANRS CO22 HEPATHER cohort on hepatitis B and C; and the French HIV-HBV multicenter cohort. They also develop and use specific statistical methods to estimate the effect of treatment from observational data.
Therapeutic strategies for HIV infection and associated viral diseases (THERAVIR)
Anne-Geneviève Marcelin and Christine Katlama
The team TheraVir “Therapeutic strategies for HIV infection and associated viral diseases” is an alliance from basic to clinical and population-based research towards medical progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS. It provides a unique opportunity to mix basic scientists, clinicians involved in infectious disease research, epidemiologists and statisticians.
Neighborhood Environments and Mobility: Effects on Social helath InequalitieS (NEMESIS)
Basile Chaix
The Nemesis team investigates how the multiple life environments of people and their spatial mobility behaviors that link these environments to each other influence health behavior and health status. In this work, we focus on behavioral, clinical, and biological risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, as well as on other aspects of health (including respiratory and mental health). Using wearable sensors of location, behaviors, exposures, and health carried by study participants, we investigate the impact of urban neighborhoods on health and the effect of the transport modes of people on health. In this work, the team develops methodologies for the measurement of mobility and behavior.
Epidemiology of allergic and respiratory diseases (EPAR)
Isabella Annesi-Maesano
The team “Epidemiology of Allergic and Respiratory Diseases” (EPAR) studies the development of main allergic and respiratory diseases whose incidence has been increasing for 40 years by an exposomic approach using connected objects, data mining and EWAS. EPAR has established the European Environmental Data Management System (EDMS). www.epar.fr
Pharmacoepidemiology and healthcare assessment (PEPITES)
Florence Tubach
The team gathers epidemiologists, biostatisticians, pharmacists, and clinical physicians. The corresponding multidisciplinary research involves evaluating the risk benefit balance of health products, with a focus on high risk populations such as the elderly or patients in intensive care, biologics in various indications, and the assessment of healthcare organization.
Research is supported by ad hoc field studies, and by the use of healthcare databases such as the Système National des Données de Santé, and hospital data wharehouse. The projects involve the use or the development of various methods, e.g., causal inference in observational data, modeling exposure to medication, Comparative Effectiveness Research, meta-analyses and meta-epidemiology, e-cohorts.
Social Epidememiology research team (ERES)
Maria Melchior
Our team is a leading group in social epidemiology in France. We aim to:
a) improve knowledge of social determinants of health;
b) assess interventions reducing social inequalities in health and healthcare use, to help clinicians/ public health experts adapt their practices because, despite continued increases in longevity, social inequalities in health have widened.
Fabrice CARRAT
Deputy director
Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 16 42 72
General secretary
BAILLY Marianne
+33 (0)1 44 73 84 46
Autres tutelles
- Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale | INSERM
- Sorbonne Université
Contact details
Adresse physique
75012 Paris
Adresse postale
75013 Paris
+33 (0)1 44 73 84 46