The Image acquisition and processing center (CATI) service platform, created in 2010, became a UMS on 1 January 2022. It has 5 co-supervisors: Sorbonne University, CNRS, Inserm, CEA and AP-HP.
CATI is dedicated to cohort imaging via a network of around one hundred imagers. It organises the collection, quality control and analysis of images and makes them available in a variety of forms. This MSU makes multicentre imaging affordable thanks to gains in scale. To date, more than forty clinical studies have called on its services, covering a wide range of topics. CATI has collected and analysed 15,000 MRI examinations and 5,000 nuclear medicine examinations, generating a harmonised national multi-pathology database without equal.
The aim of the UMS CATI is to develop standardised protocols for image acquisition and analysis, in order to obtain a pool of data with harmonised characteristics for the partner imaging centres. The aim is to federate studies so that this database can gradually be made available to the artificial intelligence community. To this end, the centre is being made available to the entire community of clinicians and researchers studying Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative dementias.
Director : Jean-François MANGIN