CRG 16
Clinical Research Groups
Dr BUFFET Camille |
Dr CHAMI Linda |
Clinical Research Group – Thyroid Tumors
The group is composed of specialists in the management of benign and malignant thyroid tumors, an activity of excellence within APHP.SU. Through the structuring of the multidisciplinary care network, our GRC offers diagnostic and therapeutic innovations to patients with thyroid tumors through the
implementation of an anatomico-clinico-biological database of nearly 12,000 thyroid cancer patients. Our GRC develops in parallel basic research projects in collaboration with the Gustave Roussy Institute and innovative translational research projects within Sorbonne University (SU), notably through the supervision of MASTER2 and PhD student. Our GRC is also involved in French and European courses and the project of SU Thyroid MASTER Class.
Camille BUFFET
Direction adjointe
Gaelle Rentz
01 84 82 77 59
Maud Golebiewski
01 42 16 01 40
Adresse physique
75013 Paris
01 84 82 77 99