Speech and language therapy
Since the start of the 2020 academic year, access to speech therapy studies has been via parcoursup.
Students are no longer required to sit a competitive entrance exam.Open Day 2024
Saturday February 03, 2024 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Sorbonne University Faculty of Health Sciences
91 boulevard de l'hôpital - 75013 PARIS
University Department of Speech and Language Therapy Teaching and Training (preparing for the Speech and Language Therapy Certificate of Qualification)
The speech and language therapy qualification requires 5 years of studies (to achieve an M2 [two year masters]) in one of the specialised schools that are linked to the universities. Admissions are subject to an aptitude test, which is selective but open to arts students.
Definition of the job: Art I. Article L.4341- of the Public Health Code
“Anyone who habitually carries out rehabilitating practices as a way of treating pathological abnormalities of the voice, speech and oral or written language, without the presence of a doctor, is considered to be practising the profession of a speech and language therapist.” Speech and language therapists may only practise their art when the patient has been referred to them by a doctor.
The principles of the course
Speech and language therapy consists of:
- preventing, assessing and treating impairments and disorders of the voice, articulation and speech, as well as those associated with understanding and expressing oral and written language,
- providing training in other forms of non-verbal communication to add to and be used in place of patients’ existing methods of communication,
As part of their job, speech and language therapists take the psychological, social, economic and cultural aspects of their patients into account, from all ages of their life.
In order for speech and language therapists to be able to achieve these skills, the content and form of the initial education is determined accordingly: theory classes, seminars, practical placements.
Speech and language therapy is correcting disorders that affect the voice, articulation, oral and written language through rehabilitation techniques. For example, this could refer to:
- language disorders: delayed oral language disorder; speech disorders from sensory problems (deafness, hearing loss) or neurological problems (cerebral palsy); stuttering; written language disorder (dyslexia, dysorthography); language disorders resulting from neurological impairment (aphasia)
- voice disorders: professional vocal fatigue; rehabilitation after throat surgery
- articulation disorders (sigmatisms, lisps) or due to congenital defects (cleft lip and palate)
They are medical assistants who work with patients when they are referred to their services; they use rehabilitation techniques to help patients manage their disability, either partially or totally; they appreciate the possibilities of acquiring new skills and progress; they are involved with the diagnosis process. Speech therapists are specialised rehabilitation therapists but in a complex field that requires them to be trained in various scientific disciplines: sound, anatomy and physiology, linguistics and phonetics, neurology, psychiatry, education, psychology, etc.
Speech and language therapy can also bring valuable resources to researching these disciplines: speech and language therapists cannot ignore this other element of their job but this is secondary to their main role in helping people with disabilities.
Where they work
Speech and language therapists work in different types of institutions: public or private hospitals and childcare, paediatrics, psychiatry, neurology and geriatrics facilities. They also work in rehabilitation and recovery centres for adults and children, day hospitals, work-based support centres, psychology medical centres and educational psychology medical centres.
When working in the private sector, speech therapists generally work with GPs, paediatricians, psychiatrists, speech therapists, psychologists and teachers who work in the same field.
Speech and language therapists can work:
- freelance: they work in a private practice, alone or in a single discipline or multidisciplinary group. Their practice conditions are defined by national agreement;
- as an employee, they can work either:
- in the public sector: in a hospital or in the psychiatric sector;
- in the private sector: specialised centres (Psychology education centre, sensory education institutes, institutions for deaf children or children with motor disabilities, etc.).
The course (5 years), which takes place at CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, 91 Bd de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, includes classes on theory, tutorials and placements. You can consult
La formation initiale des orthophonistes a été reconnue au grade de Master depuis le 30 août 2013 (Décret n° 2013-798 relatif au régime des études en vue du certificat de capacité d’orthophoniste). Les études en vue du certificat de capacité d’orthophoniste comportent désormais dix semestres de formation et se composent de deux cycles pour un total de :
First cycle
It comprises six semesters of training worth 180 European credits, which is the equivalent of an undergraduate degree.
syllabus_2023-2024_orthophonie_3eme_annee.pdf (pdf 1.42 Mo)
Second cycle
It comprises four semesters of training worth 120 European credits, which is the equivalent of a masters degree. Together, these 300 ECTS represent 5198 teaching hours, representing 3158 hours of lectures and seminars and 2040 hours of practical training.
This new model brings benefits in terms of sharing lessons, as some modules are given in lecture halls or online with the psychomotor therapists, nurses and orthoptists’ programme. It is about real team work, with everyone working together in the same, authentic, tight-knit environment (working together, sharing tips and professional expertise).
Read more (in french) :
1st Year: S1
As part of the training for the speech and therapy qualification certificate, 1st year students must complete a 2-day (or 4 half-day) shadowing placement with a qualified audiologist.
The purpose of this placement is to allow students to observe the difference in patients, comparing them before and after treatment in longitudinal follow-up, while studying the theory element of the course at the same time. Accreditation for the placement will take these 2 days (or 4 half-days) of shadowing and the student’s attendance into account.
1st Year: S2
In the second semester, 1st year students must complete an introductory placement in a school setting. This placement, for 120 hours or 30 half-days, preferably in nursery or primary classes, is intended to allow students to observe children attending nursery and/or primary school while learning the theory element of the course at the same time. Accreditation for the placement will take into account the evaluation of the placement report by the placement supervisor and the student’s attendance. It will be logged on the accreditation form provided for this purpose.
2nd Year: S3
The 1st semester placement in L2 (2nd year of speech and language therapy studies) is a 120 hour or 30 half-day introductory placement.
This placement takes place in a care home and in an early childhood care facility, i.e:
* 60 hours or 15 half-days in care homes
* 60 hours or 15 half-days in early childhood care facilities
Objectives of the placement:
- To learn about how the institutions run and are structured,
- To be aware of your place as a third party,
- To learn life skills from the relevant groups and professionals,
- To develop links between academic knowledge and the reality of the situation in the field,
- To get into a pattern of learning more and furthering your knowledge by reading more and looking up more information.
2nd Year: S4
The S4 placement of the 2nd semester of L2 in speech and language therapy studies is a 120 hour or 30 half-day introductory placement in a private practice and care facility:
* 80 hours or 20 half-days in a private practice with a speech and language therapist approved by the University Department of Speech and Language Therapy [D.U.E.F.O in French] (list for speech and language therapists practising as a freelancer in Paris and in the suburbs and approved by the D.U.E.F.O available on SAKAI. For speech and language therapists practising in the provinces, you can request the list by indicating the desired department(s)).
40 hours or 10 half-days in care facilities. The following are considered as care facilities: EEAP [for children and adolescents with multiple disabilities] , FAM [nursing home for adults], IME [medical institute for children with multiple disabilities aged 0 to 18], IEM [establishment for people with a mobility impairment], SESSAD [Special needs and home help services], CAMSP [early onset monitoring of young children susceptible to certain difficulties], CMP [psychology centres], CMPP [Institute for young people with learning and behaviour difficulties], EPAHD [care home for dependent elderly people], MAS [centre for dependent people with severe disabilities] and SSR [care and rehabilitation centre]. Note, it is not possible to do a placement in a hospital. In care facilities you can be supervised during your placement by all the health professionals that work there. If your placement supervisor is a speech and language therapist, they must have more than three years’ experience and be approved by the D.U.E.F.O.
Objectives of the placement:
- To discover and actively observe the clinical setting of speech and language therapy,
- To identify the different professionals working with the patient and to understand their role,
- To learn about how different establishments and institutions work,
- To observe the different stages of the professional practice
3rd Year: S5
The S5 university degree placement in the 1st semester of L3 in speech and language therapy studies is an introductory placement with a speech and language therapist, accredited by the D.U.E.F.O., working as an employee (in an institute, centre or hospital).
This placement must only relate to “Child Psychiatry/Neonatology/Disability” or “ENT/Surdity/Maxillofacial”. From S6 (2nd semester of L3) onwards, it will be possible to do a placement in neurology.
Note: for this placement, a placement report is not required but a rehabilitation report (editorial quality and wealth of the data collected) is, which will be one of the supervisor’s assessment criteria for the placement.
Duration of the placement: 210 hours or 52 half-days.
Objectives of the placement:
- To discover and observe speech and language therapists’ clinical work,
- To acquire interpersonal skills with the patient and their friends and family,
- To adopt the role of an active observer,
- To meet the different professionals involved with the patient and to understand their role,
- To learn about speech and language therapists’ clinical and administrative responsibilities.
3rd Year: S6
The S6 placement of the 2nd semester of L3 in speech and language therapy studies is a clinical placement with a speech and language therapist, accredited by the D.U.E.F.O., working as an employee (in an institute, centre or hospital) or as a freelancer.
If this placement is carried out in a care facility, accreditation may be received for one or more fields: either “Child psychiatry/neonatology/disability” or “ENT/Surdity/Maxillofacial” or “Neurology/Geriatrics”.
The three areas must only be validated by a registered speech and language therapist working as an employee (in an institute, centre or hospital) before the end of the M2 year [second year of masters]. Accreditation is received for a field after a minimum of 140 hours of placement.
Note: a placement report is not required for this placement but an assessment report (editorial quality and richness of the data collected) will be one of the supervisor’s assessment criteria for the placement.
Duration of the placement: average placement is 210 hours or 52 half-days
Placement objectives:
- The placement’s specific objectives will be chosen on the assessment table at the beginning of the placement.
- To establish links between the theory element and clinical practice;
- To establish initial contact with patients, caregivers and care professionals;
- To understand the role of a caregiver;
- To acquire expertise and interpersonal skills;
- To analyse professional practices with the placement supervisor;
- To address ethics and legislation that are directly related to clinical practice;
- To be trained in maintaining and monitoring medical files.
Elements of the placement content:
The student’s role is to actively observe and to help in sessions under direct supervision.
- Attendance at examination and treatment sessions;
- Handling the speech and language therapists’ examination equipment and tools;
- Consulting files and learning how to maintain and monitor a file;
- Activities students will also be involved with;
- Attendance at various patient-centred meetings and sessions.
- Presentation of the clinical situations encountered during the placement.
Educational recommendations for the placement:
It is recommended that the student is in regular contact with the placement supervisor so the student can further their knowledge, gain perspective on therapeutic follow-up, explain certain situations, participate in care activities under direct supervision, raise any questions or doubts and so they can gain experience in a professional environment.
The clinical situations they experienced during the placement and the questions they raised must be able to be presented and worked on in small groups.
It is the both the placement supervisor and the student’s responsibility to prepare the student for helping with the care process beforehand and to discuss the results after the activity.
Placement assessment method:
The assessment is formative and normative.
The student is required to complete an assessment report. This report will be assessed by the placement supervisor.
The placement supervisor will then fill in an accreditation form.
4th Year: S7
Clinical placement 2 in a private practice and/or in a care facility
If this placement is carried out in a care facility, they may receive accreditation for one or more fields: either “Child psychiatry/neonatology/disability”, “ENT/Surdity/Maxillofacial”, or “Neurology/Geriatrics”. The three areas must only be validated by a registered speech and language therapist working as an employee (in an institute, centre or hospital) before the end of the M2. A field is validated from a minimum of 140 hours of placement.
Duration of the placement:short 90 hour or 22 half-day placement.
Placement objectives:
This clinical placement is a continuation of the care experience.
The placement’s specific objectives must be chosen on the assessment table at the beginning of the placement.
- To put theory into practice;
- To reflect on the concept of autonomy and the responsibilities of a caregiver;
- To work on how students communicate and relate with patients, caregivers and health professionals;
- To further develop expertise and interpersonal skills;
- To develop skills for assessing patients, determining a diagnosis and planning a therapeutic treatment plan;
- To learn to rely on the interprofessional partnership;
- To encourage students to consider matters from a more ethical perspective and to better understand the concept of care;
- To adopt professional etiquette;
Elements of the placement content:
The student’s role is to work with the patient under direct supervision and to apply the theory they have learnt in a clinical context.
- Attending speech and language therapy sessions and examinations;
- Attending various patient-centred meetings and sessions;
- Handling and analysing material;
- Consulting and analysing files;
- Preparing clinical activities;
- Creating materials based on the patient’s needs;
The activities carried out are based on the skills to be acquired for the speech and language therapy assessment, evaluation and diagnosis.
The placement supervisor is free to choose the tasks they would like the student to do under direct supervision.
It is the both the placement supervisor and the student’s responsibility to prepare the student for carrying out this work beforehand and to discuss the results afterwards.
Educational recommendations for the placement:
It is recommended that the student is in regular contact with the placement supervisor so the student can further their knowledge, gain perspective on therapeutic follow-up, explain certain situations, participate in care activities under direct supervision, raise any questions or doubts and so they can familiarise themself with a professional environment.
The clinical situations they experienced during the placement and the questions they raised must be able to be presented and worked on in small groups.
Students receive direct supervision.
Placement assessment method:
- Assessment is formative and normative.
- The student is required to complete a placement report. This placement report will be assessed by the placement supervisor.
- The placement supervisor fills in a validation form.
Placement assessment criteria:
- Quality of the placement report (quality and wealth of the data collected);
- Observation, analysis, review and interpersonal skills.
Introduction to research placement
Placement location in a research facility or in a university hospital department.
Placement duration: short 120 hour or 30 half-day placement.
Placement objectives:
The purpose of this placement is to introduce students to research in a laboratory.
- To make students aware of the context for this scientific research;
- To contribute to research;
- To start developing and presenting scientific works;
- To understand the role research plays in professional practice.
Elements of the placement content:
- Introduction to a laboratory, research project and call for bids;
- Introduction to technical tools and methodologies;
- Seminars, meetings and group dynamics;
- Participation in work in the laboratory.
Educational recommendations for the placement:
This placement can last the whole semester.
The placement supervisor must be a professional with a known research speciality.
Placement assessment method:
The student is required to complete a placement report. This report will be assessed by the supervisor and will be marked out of 20. A mark out of 20 for “involvement in research” will also be awarded by the tutor.
The placement supervisor fills in a validation form.
Placement assessment criteria:
- Quality of the placement report (quality and wealth of the data collected);
- Observation, analysis, review and interpersonal skills.
4th Year: S8
Clinical placement in a private practice or care facility
If this placement is carried out in a care facility, one or more fields may be validated : either “Child psychiatry/neonatology/disability” or “ENT/Surdity/Maxillofacial” or “Neurology/Geriatrics”. The three areas must only be validated with a registered speech and language therapist working as an employee (in an institute, centre or hospital) before the end of the M2. Accreditation is received for a field after a minimum of 140 hours of placement.
Duration of the placement: 300 hour or 75 half-day long placement.
Placement objectives:
The placement’s specific objectives must be chosen on the assessment table at the beginning of the placement.
- To apply the theory learnt to a clinical context;
- To gain experience in care;
- To understand the role of a caregiver and to adopt professional etiquette;
- To further develop expertise and interpersonal skills;
- To master the steps to follow from initially examining the patient to implementing therapeutic treatment;
- To know how to follow the patient’s course of treatment within a multidisciplinary team.
Elements of the placement content:
The student holds a pre-professional position under the placement supervisor’s supervision. This supervision helps the student gradually become more independent in their clinical practice.
The tasks carried out correspond to the required skills for developing and implementing a therapeutic treatment plan
- Present and involved in assessments and speech and language therapy sessions;
- Choice of materials, tools and methods;
- Preparation of clinical activities and treatment sessions;
- Consulting and analysing files.
Educational recommendations for the placement:
It is recommended that the student is in regular contact with the placement supervisor so the student can further their knowledge, gain perspective on therapeutic follow-up, explain certain situations, raise any questions or doubts and so they can gain experience in a professional environment.
It is recommended that the student holds indirect supervision sessions to allow them to practise in a clinical environment that is intensive enough that they can achieve autonomy and to develop and improve their professional etiquette and clinical responsibility.
The clinical situations that come up during the placement can be the subject of group analysis work during the tutorials.
Placement assessment method:
Assessment is formative and normative.
The student is required to complete a placement report. This placement report will be assessed by the placement supervisor.
The placement supervisor fills in an accreditation form.
Placement assessment criteria:
- Quality of the placement report (quality and wealth of the data collected);
- Observation, analysis, review and interpersonal skills.
5th Year: S9
Placement requirements: thesis or clinical placement (in a private practice or care facility)
Duration of the placement: average placement is 200 hours or 50 half-days
If the student’s thesis from the end of their studies which was carried out at the same time as the placement, results in them passing tests/the necessary requirements, they are accredited with 200 hours from the dissertation supervisor. These hours correspond to the hours spent preparing, receiving credits and passing tests/ requirements for the final thesis.
If the thesis is not conducive to passing any tests/requirements, credits still need to be acquired for these 200 hours in a clinical placement with an accredited speech and language therapist.
5th Year: S9-S10
Clinical placement in a private practice or care facility
This clinical placement is a long placement that takes place over 2 consecutive semesters on the same placement site, meaning patients can be monitored regularly and a general overview of measures adopted in speech and language therapy can be acquired.
Duration of the placement: 550 hour or 138 half-day long placement.
These 550 hours can be split into several different placement locations BUT STUDENTS MUST DO AN ANNUAL PLACEMENT (around 1 or 2 days a week or more in 2018/2019) for at least 7 months.
Placement objectives:
Students adopt a professional role under the placement supervisor’s supervision. This supervision helps students become gradually more independent in their clinical practice.
- To allow students to embrace and master the clinical practice of speech and language therapy independently:
- Professional autonomy, decision-making, planning, relating to patients, examining, assessing and diagnosing;
- Determining and implementing a treatment plan;
- Keeping health records, relationships with other professionals, partnerships and working together;
- Compliance with institutional regulations and procedures;
- Respect for professional practice regulations and codes of ethics.
Elements of the placement content:
The student joins a department or practice where they will have to be a member of medical staff under their placement supervisor’s supervision.
They have access to the files and will be assigned to monitor one or several patients.
Educational recommendations for the placement:
It is recommended that the student has regular meetings with the placement supervisor.
Students must be able to practise independently with lots of opportunities for providing feedback and support.
The clinical situations they experienced during the placement and the questions they raised must be able to be presented and worked on in small groups.
Placement assessment method:
- Assessment is formative and normative.
- The student is required to do a dissertation.
- The placement supervisor fills in an accreditation form.
Details in this document
Degree : master
Pitié-Salpêtrière Site
91 bd de l'hôpital - 75013 Paris
Rez-de-chaussée, porte 6
Enrolment – Exams – Diplomas:
School of Paramedical Studies
Office 6 (ground floor),
91 boulevard de l’Hôpital 75013 PARIS
Monday to Thursday from 9:30am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 4.30pm
Closed to the public on Friday
Student Contacts
APEO (Parisian association for speech and language therapy students)
Ground floor of 91 boulevard de l’hôpital
Site: http://assoapeo.free.fr/
University Department of Teaching and Training in Speech and Therapy contacts (teaching)
Peggy GATIGNOL (director):
(+33) 01 44 27 93 34
Aude Laloi (placement coordinator):
(+33) 01 44 27 93 16
Stéphanie Borel
(+33) 01 44 27 93 19
Jeanida MEPANDY (Licence 1 [first year of undergraduate degree], Licence 2 [second year of undergraduate degree]):
(+33) 01 44 27 93 36
(Licence 3, Master 1, Master 2)
(+33) 01 44 27 93 20
Pedagogical Secretariat
Nasira YAR (Licence 1 [first year of undergraduate degree], Licence 2 [second year of undergraduate degree]):
(+33) 01 44 27 93 35
Valérie CHARREIRE (Licence 3 [third year of undergraduate degree], Master 1 [first year of masters]):
(+33) 01 44 27 93 47
(Master 2)
(+33) 01 44 27 93 48
Postal address:
91 Boulevard de l’hôpital
75013 PARIS
Teaching secretariat: (+33) 01 44 27 93 20