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Student Services

… To benefit from these services, the student should contact his or her faculty’s disability department and the university department of preventive medicine and health promotion …

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Contact us

Contact us Published on 17/01/2020 - Updated on 28/05/2024 Contacts Alumni Relations Department 01 44 27 72 81 Contact by email Arnaud Magnin …

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Admission in 3rd cycle of medical studies

… information about 3rd cycle studies in Medicine, please contact the following department: Published on 28/05/2020 - Updated on 20/04/2023 … des Cordeliers Bât H 15, rue de l'École de Médecine 75006 PARIS + 33 1 44 27 45 75
 Contact by email … For more …

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Student internships

… a first experience and to build their relational network. Contact the faculty's internship office for full details. Published on 7/12/2019 - Updated on 6/09/2024 Contact information In Arts and Humanities Bureau des stages … Campus Sorbonne - Escalier F, 2e étage, salle F362 Contact by email In Medicine Scolarité du 2e cycle   Campus …

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Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS)

Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS) In many countries, and particularly in developed countries, we are witnessing a … des contraintes spécifiques liées à leur utilisation en contact avec le corps humain. Les cours proposés reflètent …

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Geophysics-Geotechnics course (G²)

… to these professions are brought together in specialized departments or subsidiaries within the same company. This is because the geophysicist will be contacted for internal or external calls for tender. … National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), CentraleSupélec (CS), Institut Français …

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Department of orthoptics

… Department of orthoptics Published on 19/11/2019 - Updated on 3/11/2021 Department of orthoptics Head of studies : Professor Valérie … BRION Educational manager  : Mme Suzeraine SACRABANY Contact by email Educational manager : M. Gerard Séka …

  • Événement

The Earliest Latin Maimonides, the “Reasons for the Commandments,” and the Perfection of the Soul

… Guide for the Perplexed , which is found in the  Liber de parabolis et mandatis. Add to my calendar 18-04-2023 17:00 … audiences need to register by email. Solenn Grisard Contacter par courriel In her talk, Lucy Pick, history professor at the …

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Health support and prevention services

… and prevention campaigns organised on campus, you can contact the Nurse's office, which coordinates prevention … 15 rue de l’École de Médecine, escalier G, 3e étage 75006 Paris 01 44 27 89 00 Contact by email Student Health … 17 rue de la Sorbonne, Galerie Jean-Baptiste Dumas 75005 Paris 01 40 46 22 32 Contact by email The nurse’s office at …

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M1&M2 - Biotechnology pathway

… Biotechnology pathway The 'Biotechnology' pathway, which is part of the 'Molecular and Cellular Biology' Master's … science and technology to living organisms and their parts, products and models, to modify living or non-living … lasting for about four weeks, which is the result of a partnership between the BMC master's degree and the CFA des …