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Nous avons trouvé 5 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Actualité

Student elections

… University Student elections Elections for student representatives on the … for the Faculty of Health Sciences council will take place on October 17 and 18, 2023, students and PhD candidates … des représentants des usagers au CA, à la CFVU, à la CR, au conseil de la Faculté des Lettres et au conseil de la

  • Article

Code of ethics

… Code of ethics Published on 19/11/2019 - Updated on 27/05/2024 … in 2023. This Charter meets ethical requirements, particularly with regard to scientific and professional integrity, … subject to them having such a code and by asking the Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement …

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The Governance Team

… University, an executive body, is composed of the president, the deans of the faculties, the team of vice presidents as well … for Systems on Chip) of the Paris 6 Computer Science Laboratory (LIP6 – managed by Sorbonne University and the …

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… étudiant parti pour un séjour d'été à Prague, dans le cadre de l'alliance 4EU+ (partenariat stratégique avec 5 université,  Prague, Heidelberg, Milan, Copenhague et Varsovie). Grâce au programme européen … Octave Akamatsu - DFGSM3 Elu étudiant au conseil de Faculté   Médecine Vous êtes étudiant en …

  • Article

Licence to Supervise Research

… level, the originality of their approach in a particular field of science, their ability to master a research … for admission to the corps of university professors (Decree of November 23, 1988, modified by the decree of July … (after registration on the qualification list by the Conseil National des Universités) to be a thesis supervisor …