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Nous avons trouvé 8 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Événement

Hervé de Nédellec au 700e anniversaire de sa mort

… Research Hervé dedellec au 700e anniversaire de sa mort Ce colloque réunit un … au CNRS Tobias Hoffmann , professeur des universités en Histoire de la philosophie médiévale, directeur du Centre …

  • Événement

The Earliest Latin Maimonides, the “Reasons for the Commandments,” and the Perfection of the Soul

… Research The Earliest Latin Maimonides, the “Reasons for the Commandments,” … which is attached to the research unit "Métaphysique, histoires, transformations, actualités (UR 3552)". Location …

  • Actualité

An audio-immersive stroll at the foot of Notre-Dame

… Research An audio-immersive stroll at the foot of Notre-Dame At the heart of France's cultural heritage, Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral is inhabited by a rich and vibrant sonic … Notre-Dame de Paris. … notre dame … Notre-Dame de Paris … histoire … An audio-immersive stroll at the foot of …

  • Article

Doctoral Projects proposed in 2022 - Institutes and Initiatives Program

… Doctoral Projects proposed in 2022 - Institutes and Initiatives … will arrive soon. Candidates must contact the project leaders in advance. The project leaders are invited to submit … Vers une anthropologie du geste mortuaire et cultuel en préhistoire à partir des collections muséographiques anciennes …

  • Article

Doctoral schools and research units

… Doctoral schools and research units The Faculty of Arts and Humanities supports numerous major fields of … PhD candidates, and validate each candidate’s individual academic plan. The Faculty’s scientific activities are …

  • Actualité

How color became a major issue in art history

… The Conversation How color became a major issue in art history What can we learn … materials about our relationship to art, fashion and decoration? What ideas and relationships with the world do … Commons license. Read the original article in French . … histoirehistoire de l'art … couleurs … histoire des …

  • Portrait

Franck Calard

… Franck Calard Published on 4/11/2021 - Updated on 16/11/2021 Calard … Participating in international mobility enables students and professors alike to open their eyes to fields that … . … fondation … bourses … alumnus … alumni … histoire de l'artlettres … Franck Calard …

  • Article

Our high-level athletes

… Our high-level athletes Sorbonne University has a long-standing commitment to supporting its students in high-level sports. Published on 16/12/2022 - … student and synchronized swimmer Alice Recher, art history student and fencer Mélodie Richard, student in …