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Nous avons trouvé 281 résultats pour votre recherche

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Use our services

… Use our services The Sorbonne University Library offers you practical services to support you on a daily basis throughout your …

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Student Services

… Student Services At Sorbonne University, the unique nature of each … or internship arrangements. To benefit from these services, the student should contact his or her faculty’s …

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Disability Services

… Disability Services The university has been committed for several years … fund for the integration of disabled people in the civil service (FIPHFP) and thus becomes the first French … This agreement led to the creation of a Disability Services Group, headed by Eric Lalanne, who was appointed …

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SIAL, a language learning service

… SIAL, a language learning service From English to Hindi, from sign language to Finnish, the Service d'innovation pour l'Apprentissage des Langues (SIAL) … … From English to Hindi, from sign language to Finnish, the Service d'innovation pour l'Apprentissage des Langues (SIAL) …

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Health and Handicap Services

… Health and Handicap Services Because being in good health is a prerequisite for … study and examination arrangements: the University Service for Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion … "the specific teaching systems".  … Health and Handicap Services

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Student life service

… Student life service Published on 19/11/2019 - Updated on 11/03/2024 Student life service Student life service Mrs Sonia ZEHRAOUI Ground floor of building 91, …

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Health support and prevention services

… Health support and prevention services The Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sorbonne … products are also given out for free. She provides her services on the Sorbonne and Clignancourt campuses. Social …

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Our services and activities

… Our services and activities Published on 16/12/2022 - Updated on 11/03/2024 Physical activities and sports services: More than 80 sporting activities, from leisure to … (Links to pages in French)   … sport … associations … Our services and activities …

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Cafeteria and Food Service

… Cafeteria and Food Service Places of sociability and relaxation, there are a … … restaurant universitaire … cafétéria … Cafeteria and Food Service

  • Actualité

Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Musical Creation

… Multidisciplinary research Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Musical Creation Creating new sounds, generating … learning … deep learning … Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Musical Creation …