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Nous avons trouvé 1158 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Événement

Music, Humanities, and Science: Instrument Making (MuHAS) – International Summer School

… – International Summer School Sorbonne University's Collegium Musicæ is setting up a program of international thematic summer schools, with the goal of promoting a multidisciplinary approach between humanities …

  • Actualité

2020 winner of the Philippe and Maria Halphen Prize: Mathias Pessiglione

… 2020 winner of the Philippe and Maria Halphen Prize: Mathias Pessiglione … 24/11/2020 Reading time 1 min. Son projet est de comprendre les mécanismes cérébraux qui motivent le comportement, dans … une batterie de tests diagnostiques pour les patients souffrant de maladie mentale, qui permettent de circonscrire …

  • Actualité

Musealia - the Siamang, Forest Acrobat

… Musealia - the Siamang, Forest Acrobat Every month, Sorbonne University introduces … its community and the general public to an object from its heritage collections. This month, discover a siamang specimen preserved …

  • Événement

The Earliest Latin Maimonides, the “Reasons for the Commandments,” and the Perfection of the Soul

… Research The Earliest Latin Maimonides, the “Reasons for the Commandments,” and the Perfection of the Soul This conference, held by Lucy Pick, … Latin translation of Moses Maimonides’  Guide for the Perplexed , which is found in the  Liber de parabolis et …

  • Article

Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS)

… in developed countries, we are witnessing a steady and significant increase in life expectancy. From a societal point of view, this ageing of … and that of health. The course aims to train experts capable of proposing and implementing innovative technologies for …

  • Actualité

Three Laureats of the ERC Starting Grant 2021

… Research Three Laureats of the ERC Starting Grant 2021 Three CNRS researchers in … time 1 min. At the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute (ICM) - Faculty of Medicine Léonie Koban , a researcher in the team … interoception, attention. Seeks to understand the role of social influences on decision making in mental and …

  • Article

The Sorbonne University Press

… The Sorbonne University Press With a catalogue of over 900 titles, and the publication of some 50 new books per year, the Sorbonne University Press …

  • Actualité

Sorbonne University wins the ASDESR call for projects

… Alliance Sorbonne University wins the ASDESR call for projects The call for projects Acceleration of Development Strategies of Higher Education and …

  • Portrait

Bertrand Guillonneau

… at La Charité Hospital (Berlin) and Skipper "I owe my professional success to Sorbonne University." Alumnus Donateur … sailor. Now that's something! And yet, this is what qualifies Bertrand Guillonneau, alumnus of Sorbonne University, … never imagined becoming a doctor.... "After my A-levels, I didn't have any specific ideas about what I wanted …

  • Article

French Language Courses at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (SIAL)

French Language Courses at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (SIAL) Adapted to all levels, SIAL's French as a Foreign Language (FLE) courses …