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  • Événement

Séminaire PHENIX | Rocio Semino "From liquids to solid composites through a multiscale modelling lens"

… et Marie Curie UFR de Chimie Room 32-42.101 and on Zoom (Contact Pierre Ilien to get the Zoom link)   Illien Pierre … et Marie Curie UFR de Chimie Room 32-42.101 and on Zoom (Contact Pierre Ilien to get the Zoom link)   Illien Pierre Contacter par courriel Séminaire PHENIX Madame  Rocio Semino …

  • Article

Master 2 courses in Physics - Materials and Nano-Object Sciences track

… Mathematics: Fourier transforms and distributions. Contact Delphine Cabaret … Mechanics.  Basic concepts of Solid-State Physics. Contact Delphine Cabaret … Classical description of lattice vibrations in solids. Contact Delphine Cabaret … in solids: Bloch-Somerfield theory of electrical restivity. Contact Delphine Cabaret …

  • Actualité

Covid-19 FAQs

… should I do if I have symptoms of Covid or have been in contact with someone who has Covid? The website of the … antigen test or RT-PCR test (prescription not required);  Contact your attending physician or, failing that, contact the SUMPPS (do not go directly to the doctor or the …

  • Article

University Department of Speech and Language Therapy Teaching and Training

… degree]):   Contact 91 Boulevard de l’hôpital 75013 Paris Contact by email … Director : Peggy GATIGNOL …

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Analytical, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (CAPT) Program

… phenomena at interfaces and design functional surfaces. Contacts Course leaders H élène Gérard, professeure Damien Dambournet, professeur Contact by email Responsable administrative Céline Philippon …

  • Article

Master courses in Automation and Robotics

… in Python), signal processing and automatic control. Contact Sylvain Argentieri … Prerequisites Basics in control theory and probabilities. Contact Nazih Mechbal ( IA for … Prerequisites Machine learning, introduction to AI, python. Contact Stéphane Doncieux …

  • Article

M2 - Biodiversity and conservation of marine ecosystems course (BCEM)

… leads to the writing of a thesis, to be defended in June. Contacts Responsables du parcours Philippe KOUBBI Contact by email Eric THIEBAUT Contact by email Scolarité …

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Materials Chemistry (MAT) Program

… new processes that take energy issues into account. Contacts Course leaders Olivier Durupthy , professeur Alba Marcellan , maîtresse de conférences Contact by email Responsables administratives Céline …

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The Saint-Antoine library

… databases or bibliographic management software (Zotero). Contact : Noreddine Zeghoud Interlibrary loan (PEB) The … with refillable photocopy card. Free-access photocopier. Contact For all requests Library manager : Sylvie Leroux 01 44 27 77 41 Contact by email … The Saint-Antoine library is intended for …

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Energy and Environment Program

… ECTS) in a company or laboratory for five to six months. Contact Georges GEROLYMOS ( Pr ) … (27 ECTS) in a company or laboratory for five to six months Contact Philippe GUIBERT (Pr) … (27 ECTS) in a company or laboratory for five to six months Contact Anne SERGENT (MCF SU) …