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… 01 44 27 93 37   Contact Open to the public : Monday to Thursday from 9:30am … Stomatologie – Rez-de-Jardin - Portes 10-11 75 013 Paris Contact by email … Director of Teaching : Mrs Anne GATECEL …

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Geosciences-Planetology course (GEO-P)

… science. Course leaders Damien Do Couto  Géosciences Contact by email Fabrice Minoletti  Géosciences Contact by email Aymeric Spiga Planétologie Contact by email Anne Verlaguet Géosciences Contact by email …

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Master 2 courses in Physics - Nuclei, Particles, Astroparticles and Cosmology track

… (contour integration in the complex plane, Cauchy theorem). Contact Delphine Hardin … Semester - 6 ECTS - English Level: B2 (no test required) Contact Delphine Hardin … and solid-state physics would help, but is not mandatory. Contact Delphine Hardin … in nuclear astrophysics. Prerequisites Quantum Mechanics. Contact Delphine Hardin …

  • Actualité

Sorbonne University is committed to open, responsible and trusted science

… as CNRS and Inserm representatives on faculty councils. Contacts Roger Guérin Référent Intégrité scientifique Contact by email Jean Bouvier d’Yvoire Chargé de mission …

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University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

… Beijing and signing of a framework agreement in the fall. 1 Contact Rakhee Patel International Development Manager Contact by email … The University of the Chinese Academy of …

  • Structure de recherche


… - Updated on 10/12/2020 CRG 14 Clinical Research Groups Contact Pierre HAUSFATER Membres Organisation Principaux équipements Contact (33) 1 42 17 72 40 Institut …

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International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea)

… and awarded according to a criteria of excellence.   Contacts Responsable du parcours Lars STEMMANN Contact by email Responsable administratif Hanna HERTWIG …

  • Structure de recherche

Center of Research in Myology

… Bertrand Membres Organisation Principaux équipements Contacts Web site +33 1 40 77 81 41 Florence COTTU Tél. : +33 1 40 77 98 80 Contact by email Institut National de la Santé et de la …

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M2 - Material sciences and nano-objects (SMNO-nanomat)

… host laboratories are offered to the SMNO-nanomat students. Contacts Coordinator Prof. Delphine CABARET ( IMPMC )   +33 (0)1 44 27 74 52 Contact by email Coordinator Prof. Max MARANGOLO ( INSP ) …

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M2 - Marine Ecosystem Functioning and Global Change course (FEMaCG)

… leads to the writing of a thesis, to be defended in June.   Contacts Responsables du parcours Damien CARDINAL Contact by email Laure MOUSSEAU Contact by email Scolarité …