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SCAI Wins the Call for Expressions of Interest in Artificial Intelligence

… (AI), alongside projects from six other major French institutes in the field, reaffirming the institute's place … articulated with all the disciplines and components of the institution. What activities are planned? G. B.: In concrete …

  • Article

Master 2 courses in Integrative Biology and Physiology - Neuroscience program

… training, with the 4 Sorbonne University neuroscience institutes ( Neuroscience Paris Seine ,  Paris Brain …

  • Actualité

Recruitment Campaign for Future Doctoral Candidates

… campaigns for interdisciplinary doctoral programs with our Institutes and Initiatives are underway for 2022. … on 19/01/2022 - Updated on 5/04/2022 Reading time 2 min. Institutes and initiatives programs Most of the doctoral projects proposed by Sorbonne University’s Institutes and Initiatives programs are now online. …

  • Actualité

The “Revolutionary Innovations” of Non-Programmed Research

… Catherine Jessus, research director at the Paris-Seine Institute of Biology (IPBS), leads the i-Bio Initiative. … campus of Sorbonne University. By merging two existing institutes, the IBPS and the Institut du Fer à Moulin, on a …

  • Événement

Apply Now: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF)

… Sorbonne University is the top  hosting higher education institution for MSCA postdoctoral fellows in France .  … Sorbonne University is the top  hosting higher education institution for MSCA postdoctoral fellows in France .  … research project together with a supervisor from an EU host institution. Secondments can also be included to another …

  • Actualité

“We have so much more to give each other.”

… the partnership between Sorbonne University and the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD.) Published on … between scientists.” Collaborative activity between the two institutions is already underway, particularly in common … Sorbonne University. “There is a lot of synergy between our institutions, and we have so much more to give each other.” …

  • Actualité

“We have so much more to give each other.”

… the partnership between Sorbonne University and the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD.) Published on … between scientists.” Collaborative activity between the two institutions is already underway, particularly in common … Sorbonne University. “There is a lot of synergy between our institutions, and we have so much more to give each other.” …

  • Actualité

Climaviation, an Innovative Project to Reduce the Impact of Aviation on the Climate

… Interview with Nicolas Bellouin, climatologist at the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace. Published on 22/04/2022 - … Kingdom and holder of the Aviation and Climate Chair at the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL). As a contributor to … … Interview with Nicolas Bellouin, climatologist at the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace. … The Climaviation project …

  • Actualité

The first sports and cultural exchange of the 4EU+ Alliance

… Olympic year, four delegations from 4EU+ Alliance member institutions were hosted by Sorbonne University. Published … University. Coming from four of the Alliance's member institutions, they represented Charles University, the … Olympic year, four delegations from 4EU+ Alliance member institutions were hosted by Sorbonne University. … From …

  • Actualité

Creating natural dental enamel using biomaterials

… a physico-chemist and member of the Materials Science Institute, is an academic professor at the Reactive Surface … us to position ourselves in relation to other international institutes in materials science. The Materials Science … and in education. … 1 LRS (Sorbonne University/CNRS) … instituts et initiatives … matériaux … Creating natural …