Medical imaging explained to the general public on Instagram

Clément Perrot is a 4th year PhD student at the Brain Institute. He completed the BIP Master's program (Master in Integrative Biology and Physiology) before enrolling in the iMIND program (International Master In neurodegenerative diseases - iMIND).

Aloys Mercier is a 3rd year medical student at Sorbonne University's Faculty of Health. He also studied for a BIP Master's degree before entering medical school via a “passerelle”. He met Clément during the Master BIP. He is passionate about his medical studies, and neuroscience in particular.

How do you find the images for the cell and art account?

We have several sources: galleries, databases we know, images found on websites. It's a challenge every time to keep finding quality images in good resolution. The images are not all taken from Sorbonne University databases.

Do you have any plans to use these images?

We joined a Sorbonne University program called PEPITE Sorbonne. The aim is to collect images of researchers and present exclusive images on our platform that come from Sorbonne University to highlight research at Sorbonne University.
We're currently developing a site where we'd like to showcase these images, the subjects covered on the Instagram account but also portraits of scientific artists.
The site would market the images exclusively as large-format photographs, respecting copyright.
We want to showcase these beautiful images at the frontier of science and art, which seem to us to be ephemeral when they could be better known. Some images are simply magnificent, but are forgotten once the article is published. They are rarely shown, and we want to show them to the general public and introduce their authors.
We don't want to propose an image bank like the CNRS or INSERM, but rather a catalog of beautiful images to look at and understand.

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