Community life
The Faculty of Health Sciences' associations department can help you put your projects into practice, assist you in preparing grant applications and support you in organizing your events and activities.
Grants Association projects
Do you have plans for your association and would like to obtain funding?
Find out more about the various funding mechanisms available to associations:
NB: A facultative commission is organized before each plenary commission for projects under €2,500.
To apply for funding, go to : https://aap-etudiant.sorbonne-universite.fr/
CVEC CROUS : https://www.crous-paris.fr/archives/actualite/cvec-a-vos-projets
Kit Asso : the "Maison des initiatives étudiantes de la ville de Paris" offers associations its financing scheme.
Find out more on : https://mie.paris.fr/kit-asso-le-nouveau-dispositif-de-financement-de-la-mie/
Medicine student associations

Representing midwives at career fairs, organizing parties, Pink October and other solidarity events, planning a crazy ski trip... in short, you'll understand: to spend a delightful few years studying midwifery, you can count on the Pitié Saint-Antoine midwifery students' association (or AESF PSA for short).

Association des Petits Cochons
The aim of the Association des Petits Cochons is to encourage and develop the practice of rugby and soccer by medical students, and to set up fun activities surrounding the practice of rugby.

AVC PSA is an association whose aim is to promote Criteriums, groups of medical students from all over France.
Crazy about parties, crazy about meetings, full of enthusiasm and good humor... We'll be spreading the Crit to infinity and beyond.
Our association's duty is to host the various crits organized at a rate of 3 per year.
Each town has its own slot, during which it offers a wide variety of activities.
In addition to the evenings we organize, we regularly invite students to our legendary aperitifs, where they enjoy a convivial atmosphere.

Bureau des sports Saint-Antoine
The BDS is an association in which we offer more than 80 team and individual sports.
It was set up over 20 years ago to rally people around common values, to meet new people and share our passions, and above all, to represent our university's colors at French championships and national and international tournaments through the many sports we offer.
It is also a driving force behind student life, through a variety of festive events.

C2SU (Corporation des Carabins de Sorbonne Université, known to regulars as the Corpo) is an association made up of 12 divisions, involved in many aspects of student and community life at Sorbonne University's Faculty of Health Sciences.
These include the Tutorat des années supérieures and Représentation Étudiante divisions, the Tutorat pour le PASS et le LAS division, the Événementiel division, the Santé Globale et Solidarité division, the Informatique division, the Photographie division, the Scop division for musicians and many others. All year round, we offer our students a wide range of activities, events, conferences, competitions and entertainment!

Created in January 2019, Comed'scene offers an end-of-year show (mid-May) with a script written by the students: a mix of various musical comedies musical films and hit songs.

Les Fallopes
Les Fallopes is a queer and intersectional feminist association that creates spaces for sharing and reflection, with the aim of initiating and supporting individual and collective change towards a more inclusive and egalitarian university and healthcare world.
We take action against sexist and sexual violence through prevention initiatives, a listening and support center, and the setting up of "safe zones" at student parties. We promote feminist artistic and cultural productions through film screenings, museum and theater outings, and a shared library (at 91 bd de l'hôpital).
We also promote LGBTQIA+ voices and take into account the interweaving of different systems of domination, notably racism and validism.

Les Med’Alo
Les Med'Alo is a new association starting in 2022. It offers water sports activities, starting in the first half of the year with a canoeing day, as well as an evening and introductory sailing days.
In the second semester, there's a big surprise in store too (we won't tell you more about it yet, but you'd better not get too seasick...).
To take part in our activities, all you need to do is become a member, which entitles you to take part in our events, get discounts for our parties and, above all, gain advantages with our partners.
You don't need to be a sailor to join us, we'll offer you plenty of other activities (our president only knows how to ride a pedalo!).

Moktar Sound System
The Moktar Sound System, the faculty brass band, was founded in September 2009 to share the love of music with as many people as possible!
Whether you're a musical virtuoso or can't read sheet music, the Fanfare welcomes you!
Dressed in our cyan-blue overalls, we play at a wide variety of events, with a repertoire ranging from French chanson to jazz classics and film music - thrills guaranteed!

PS'Art is a student association dedicated to promoting art and culture for all. We want to help students punctuate their daily lives with a little happiness between two books to be learned by heart.
Orchestra, cinema, painting, drawing, reading, writing, cultural outings... we don't limit ourselves to a single subject and are open to all art forms.
PS'Art is there to help you discover new hobbies (such as taking up your instrument in the orchestra) or start a new one (as with our drawing classes).
We're also here to support any student who has an artistic project to set up at university, whether it's part of PS'Art or a personal project.

SOL'SU - Solidarité internationale de Sorbonne Université
Founded in 2010 (formerly SOL'6, since it was attached to the Faculté de Médecine Paris 6), this association enables groups of 6 to 8 volunteers to take part in humanitarian missions in underdeveloped or developing countries, in collaboration with a local association.
Projects are set up each year (some are continuations of previous years, others are new), involving a variety of missions such as health and prevention initiatives, environmental education, infrastructure construction and the provision of equipment and supplies.
With 300 students motivated to go on mission, SOL'SU is the largest student solidarity association in France. The responsibility of the SOL'SU office is to ensure the continuity of our projects from year to year, to strengthen the bonds of trust with our local partner associations and, of course, to provide you with as much information as possible, so that we can see even more of you next year!

Théâtreux de la Paillasse
Les Théâtreux de la Paillasse PSA are here to introduce students to the world of theater, improving their theatrical skills, confidence and creativity by taking part in improvisation sessions.
A complete show is then created, offering the opportunity to perform in a Parisian theater.

SPI - Santé Publique Île-de-France
The Association des Internes de Santé Publique d'Île-de-France (SPI) is a 1901 association created in
1988. Since its creation, SPI has been committed to :
- Promote the medical specialty of public health
- Strengthen links between public health interns in the Ile-de-France region and with other players in the field
- Represent and support public health interns in the Paris region in their current training and future careers.
Paramedical student associations

For mutual support and cooperation between students and years. Various activities, interventions and products offered throughout the year.

APEO : Association Parisienne des étudiant.e.s en Orthophonie
Founded in 1984, the APEO aims to promote a rich and diversified student life by creating links between speech therapy students and coordinating campus activities. The association also implements solidarity actions and actions complementary to initial training, in order to develop relations with the various professional and public structures concerning speech-language pathology students.
APEO works hand in hand with its regional federation, AGEP, and its branch federation, FNEO, to defend the rights of students and our profession.

APEPS - Association Psychomot' des Etudiants de la Pitié Salpêtrière
To help psychomotricity students at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital benefit from their studies, we organize evening events as well as a gala, sports, cultural and solidarity events.

O.A.S.I.S is a French non-profit association set up in 2009 by speech therapy students at the Pitié-Salpêtrière training center in Paris. The association aims to develop international solidarity projects and intercultural exchanges between speech therapy students at the Paris school and professionals in developing countries.

P6LS - Paris 6 Langues des Signes
To introduce students to deaf culture through cafés-signés, plays in LSF, film screenings, conferences on deaf culture, and to introduce students to French Sign Language.
Faculté de Santé – 27 rue Chaligny 75012 Paris

PEA - Psychomotricité en action
To organize international solidarity projects in Romania and Tunisia. On site, she provides support for children and professionals.

POMM - Psychomotricité et ouverture sur le monde du maternage
POMM, Psychomotricité et Ouverture sur le monde du Maternage, is a non-profit organization created in 2007 under the French law of 1901. POMM's aim is to promote psychomotricity while supporting vulnerable populations. To achieve this, the association sends psychomotricity students and POMM members around the world, enabling them to offer psychomotricity on the spot to people in need. Although POMM's flagship destination for several years has been Peru, other destinations are also being considered.

PSF - Psychomotricité sans frontière
Psychomotricité Sans Frontières (PSF) is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901. It was founded in 2005 by two psychomotricity students from the Institut de Formation en Psychomotricité de la Pitié Salpêtrière. Since then, the association has gone from strength to strength. Over the past few years, we have been involved in a succession of projects and partnerships (action in a nursery in Burkina-Faso, experimental internship with unaccompanied minors in France, intervention in a center for Talibé children in Senegal, setting up a new project in Togo...). and
PSF aims to promote the exchange of psychomotor practices between volunteers and professionals worldwide. This is based on the values of encounters and exchanges between different cultures and practices.
Maison des initiatives étudiantes
50 rue des Tournelles 75003 Paris
Interfaculty student associations

AGEP - Association Générale des Etudiants de Paris
The AGEP, the leading student organization in Paris, is a regional federation, bringing together the students of Paris and federating hundreds of elected student representatives and some thirty associations.
It represents students in the Académie de Paris with local and national authorities, higher education establishments and the general public. It works for students through inclusive, solidarity-based projects.
Our goals?
- Supporting students in their training ;
- Campus activities and the development of student life on Parisian university campuses ;
- Defending students and their rights (combating sexual and gender-based violence, discrimination, LGBTphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, etc.), particularly within Paris universities and the CROUS, and via the email address : mesdroits@ageparis.org
- The presentation of our movement on campus, in student councils (student elections at Paris universities and CROUS elections in Paris);
- Bringing the voice of youth to students and young people and raising their awareness of citizenship;
- The fight against precariousness and social isolation, through our AGORAé, a social and participative grocery store (resale at 10% of the market price of foodstuffs and hygiene and cleaning products; a living space accessible to all students);
- Peer prevention and solidarity by and for students and young people;
- Orientation (Salons d'Orientation InterGénérationnel (SOIG)), support for students in their orientation and reorientation.
Tél. : 0698552392