M&M's seminar "Signaling intertwining and receptor partitioning between integrins and BMP2 receptors to govern cell migratory strategies"
Corinne Albiges Rizo on « Signaling intertwining and receptor partitioning between integrins and BMP2 receptors to govern cell migratory strategies », hosted by Catherine Coirault.
Corinne Albiges-Rizo received a PhD in Cellular and Molecular biology from the University of Grenoble in 1990. She worked as a PhD student at EMBL in Grenoble and completed her post-doctoral research as a fellow in HHMI in Chicago. She moved back to Grenoble as a CNRS Scientist. Her team is based within the Institute for Advanced Biosciences (Institut Albert Bonniot) and she also heads the department of microenvironment and cell plasticity. She was President of the French Society for Cell Biology (SBCF). Using transdisciplinary approach, her team is investigating how adhesion sites sense varied external cues to modulate downstream signaling networks and force transmission to elucidate the sensory mechanisms underlying invasion and tissue architecture. The team is specifically exploring the biological and physiological relevance of integrin activation. The question is to know how cells integrate physical and biochemical cues of their environment and intertwine signaling networks that ultimately control their shape, their contractile state, their communication capacity and their migratory behavior. To address how cells detect temporally close but spatially distant signals, such as growth factors and extracellular matrix components to control multi-decisional signaling, the team combines biomaterials, optogenetics, advanced live cell imaging including single-particle-tracking localization microscopy (SPT-PALM) along with morphometric and dynamic measurements. The team has shown the property of BMP2 signal to override the effects of soft biomaterial-induced signaling through an integrin-dependent biomechanical response and a segregation of BMP2 receptor subpopulation in adhesion sites to couple cell differentiation and cell migration. Ongoing investigation in Corinne Albiges-Rizo’s laboratory aims at integrating integrin and BMP2 signaling into epithelial mechanics and collective migration under 2D and 3D experimental settings.
Publications :
Fourel L, Valat A, Faurobert E, Guillot R, Bourrin-Reynard I, Ren K, Lafanechère L, Planus E, Picart C, Albiges-Rizo C. β3 integrin-mediated spreading induced by matrix-bound BMP-2 controls Smad signaling in a stiffness-independent manner. J Cell Biol. 2016 Mar 14;212(6):693-706. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201508018. Epub 2016 Mar 7. PMID: 26953352; PMCID: PMC4792076.
Guevara-Garcia A, Fourel L, Bourrin-Reynard I, Sales A, Oddou C, Pezet M, Rossier O, Machillot P, Chaar L, Bouin AP, Giannone G, Destaing O, Picart C, Albiges-Rizo C. Integrin-based adhesion compartmentalizes ALK3 of the BMPRII to control cell adhesion and migration. J Cell Biol. 2022 Dec 5;221(12):e202107110. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202107110. Epub 2022 Oct 7. PMID: 36205720; PMCID: PMC9552562.
Kyumurkov A, Bouin AP, Boissan M, Manet S, Baschieri F, Proponnet-Guerault M, Balland M, Destaing O, Régent-Kloeckner M, Calmel C, Nicolas A, Waharte F, Chavrier P, Montagnac G, Planus E, Albiges-Rizo C. Force tuning through regulation of clathrin-dependent integrin endocytosis. J Cell Biol. 2023 Jan 2;222(1):e202004025. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202004025. Epub 2022 Oct 17. PMID: 36250940; PMCID: PMC9579986