The move
Come and see "The Move europe", an innovative teaching program presented by Emmanuel Flamand-Roze, which uses mime to teach medical students about neurological semiology, i.e. the different manifestations of neurological diseases.
The fifth edition of this event will feature teams from the universities of Lausanne, Padua, Hanoi, Lille, Clermont-Ferrand, Angers and Paris.
From July 5th to July 6th
Auditorium of the brain institute
Pitié-Salpêtrière's hospital
Wednesday 5th juillet
13-13:10 : Welcome to Paris Brain Institute: Corinne FORTIN
13:10-13:20 : Welcome to Salpêtrière Hospital: Pauline MAISAN
13:20-13:30 : What patients have to say about The Move: Edwige PONSEEL
13:40- 16 : 1st Session
Hanoï vs Clermont-Ferrand, Padoue vs Lausanne, Lille vs Paris
Padoue vs Hanoï, Angers vs Lille, Lausanne vs Clermont-Ferrand
16:30 - 17:40 : 2nd Session
Lausanne vs Lille, Clermont-Ferrand vs Angers,Padoue vs Paris
17:40 - 18:45 : Surprise Event
Thursday 6th juillet
9 - 11:15 : 3th session
Clermont-Ferrand vs Lille, Hanoï vs Paris, Lausanne vs Angers
Hanoï vs Angers, Padoue vs Lille, Clermont-Ferrand, Lausanne vs Paris
11:30 - 11:40 : A few words from the French national Board of neurological teachers:Louise Tyvaert
11:40 - 12:10 : Dr Alexis DEMAS « Psychosurgery and movies: Philip K Dick was right »
13:30 - 13:45 : A few words from Sorbonne University: Magali Svrcek
13:30 - 13:45 : 4th session
Angers vs Paris, Hanoï vs Lausanne, Padoue vs Clermont-Ferrand
Padoue vs Angers, Clermont-Ferrand vs Paris, Hanoï vs Lille
15:30 : A few words from Hippocrène foundation: Anne-Laure Guyot
16:15 - 17 : Final Tour
17 - 18 : Awards Session