Health and scholarships

Student Health Services
The Student Health Service (SSE) is open to the entire Sorbonne Université student community.
Sorbonne Université - SSE
Appointments Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
15 Rue de l’école de médecine
75006 Paris
Métro Odéon ligne 4 et 10
Tél. : 01 44 27 89 00
Feel free to visit the SSE website.
Student health
Several SEE psychologists are on hand at the medical school.
No-appointment consultation: you come, you're seen. It's a one-off 30-minute discussion, followed by a follow-up appointment.
Campus Pitié Salpêtrière au 91 bd de l’hôpital , 75013 Paris
- Tuesdays from 1 to 2:30 p.m., bureau 26 de la Vie étudiante – Hall des amphithéâtres
Campus Saint-Antoine 27 rue Chaligny, Rez-de-Chaussée, salle 3, 75012 Paris
- Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Au SSE - 15 rue de l’école de Médecine, métro Odéon, escalier G, 3e étage
- Monday to Friday, 3pm to 4pm.
SEE - 15 rue de l’école de Médecine, métro Odéon, escalier G
You can also make an appointment with a psychologist at the SEE by sending an e-mail to sse@sorbonne-universite.fr or visiting https://service-sante-etudiante.sorbonne-universite.fr/ to find out about other locations and initiatives.
BAPU : Les bureaux d’aide psychologique universitaire (University psychological assistance offices)
Free consultation for students.
BAPU Pascal (Fondation Santé des Étudiants de France)
30 rue Pascal, Paris 5e, Métro Censier Daubenton
Tél. : 01 43 31 31 32, Courriel : bapu.pascal@fsef.net
BAPU Luxembourg (Croix-Rouge)
44 rue Henri-Barbusse, Paris 5e, RER B Port-Royal
Le secrétariat est ouvert de 9h30 à 19h30. Tél. 01 43 29 65 72
BAPU Centre Claude Bernard
→ antenne de la rue Larrey
20 rue Larrey, Paris 5e, Métro Place Monge
Tél. : 01 43 37 16 16, Site web : centreclaubbernard.asso.fr
→ antenne de Bagnolet
131 rue de Bagnolet, Paris 20e, Métro Gambetta / Porte de Bagnolet
Tél. : 01 40 09 05 09, Site web : centreclaubbernard.asso.fr
→ antenne de Ribera
50 rue de Ribera, Paris 16e, Métro Jasmin
Tél. : 01 45 20 14 40, Site web : centreclaubbernard.asso.fr
BAPU Grange Batelière
13 rue de la Grange-Batelière, Paris 9e, Métro Grands Boulevards
Tél. : 01 47 70 70 32
Fondation Santé des Étudiants de France
8 rue Émile-Deutsch-de-la-Meurthe, Paris 14e, RER B Cité universitaire
Tél. : 01 45 89 43 39, Site web : FSDIE
Other websites offering psychological help and support for students
Center National d'Appuis: support for health cna-sante.fr
Psychiatric emergencies: the Centre psychiatrique d'orientation et d'accueil (CPOA) at Hôpital Sainte Anne, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day: 01 45 65 81 09.
The Ministry of Health hotline: 0800 130 000 toll-free, 24/7.
Telephone interviews with La Porte Ouverte Paris: 01 88 61 64 56 from 3pm to 7pm, 7 days a week.
The single Psy Ile-de-France number supported by the Agence Régionale de Santé d'Ile de France in partnership with AP-HP and with the support of Psycom: 01 48 00 48 00 from 11am to 7pm, 7 days a week.
Psychological support supported by the Fondation de France, AP-HP and Institut Pasteur: 01 48 54 96 86 for departments 78/94/92/75 (and the town of Villemomble) and 01 43 09 62 73 for department 93.
Consultation publique de Psychanalyse du Réseau pour la psychanalyse à l'hôpital Paris - région parisienne, helpline, 7j/7, 24h/24 : 01 45 26 81 30 - RDV possible en présentiel au 33 rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle 75009 Paris.
Libre association freudienne psychoanalytical consultations: 07 61 66 87 05 - Face-to-face appointments possible at 267 rue Saint Jacques 75005 Paris.
Matherapie.care psychological support sessions: book online or by phone: 07 56 88 00 04. If the answering machine answers, we'll call you back the same day.
Social Division
Depending on the student's situation, different types of assistance may be offered:
- One-off financial aid (FSDIE)
- Tuition waiver (or refund)
- Help finding accommodation
- Interview with a CROUS social worker
For your convenience :
Presidential and FSDIE exemption commission calendar
Tuition fee waiver/refund commissions
Commissions FSDIE Social
- Application for presidential exemption : https://aap-etudiant.sorbonne-universite.fr/
- FSDIE social application form : https://aap-etudiant.sorbonne-universite.fr/
- Find out more about Sorbonne université's grants on : https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/offre-de-formation/vie-etudiante/covid-19-bourses-aides-et-dispositifs
- CROUS financial aid : https://www.crous-paris.fr/aides-sociales/les-aides-financieres/
- The City of Paris also offers food, financial and housing assistance, and much more. Visit us on : https://mie.paris.fr/
Registration for the D.S.E. is open from January 20 to May 15. The student's application for a grant may nevertheless be accepted, depending on the supporting documents provided. Applications must be renewed every year. You must renew your D.S.E. every year to continue to benefit from your scholarship and/or university accommodation.
For French students, this aid is awarded to L and M grade students, as well as students preparing for competitive entrance exams and under 28 years of age, depending on their parents' income.
For foreign students, this aid is awarded to those who have been living in France with their family for at least 2 years and can prove that they are attached to the parental tax household, as well as to political refugees and stateless persons holding an OFPRA card.
Entitlement is assessed on the basis of family resources, the student's family responsibilities and personal circumstances. Merit criteria may entitle students to special benefits (merit supplements for students who have passed their baccalaureate with flying colors, and for bachelor's degree graduates enrolling in a master's program);
How to apply?
Applications - or renewals - must be submitted between January 20 and May 15 of the year preceding registration on this site https://www.messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr/envole/
The FSDIE draws its budget from the statutory deduction of enrolment fees. Whether sporting, cultural or humanitarian, any initiative can be financed by the FSDIE. In general, 70% of funds are allocated to student projects and 30% to social aid.
Social Assistant
Sorbonne University students can meet with a CROUS social worker.
Visit us on: https://mesrdv.etudiant.gouv.fr/fr/