Occupational therapy
Occupational therapists maintain, restore and facilitate the human activities of people with disabilities or suffering from illness or injury. They propose technical solutions to enable people to carry out the acts of daily life, to move around, and to access their school or work environment. They work in health or medical-social establishments or services: hospitals; neurology, traumatology, rheumatology or pediatrics departments; functional re-education and rehabilitation centers for adults and children; aftercare centers; establishments for the elderly; psychiatric hospitals; occupational medicine.
This advisory and support role requires a state diploma in occupational therapy (bachelor's degree).
ADERE, the oldest occupational therapy school in France, founded in 1954, has signed an agreement with Sorbonne University.
Withdrawal of the bachelor's degree
1- Withdrawal from the school office :
To facilitate the procedure and reduce your waiting time, please send your request by e-mail to the following address: medecine-dfs-ergotherapie@sorbonne-universite.fr
The bachelor's degree must be obtained from the Occupational Therapy (Ergothérapie) Department:
Bureau 24 - RDC - 91 bd de l’hôpital - 75013 Paris
Telephone number: 01 40 77 95 09 :
Reception at office 24
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30am to 12:00pm and 1:30pm to 4:00pm - Closed on Wednesday and Friday.
The student must have:
- Copy of the DE issued by ADERE
- ID card
(Only at the times indicated, do not leave messages on answering machines.)
Email contact
Students who are unable to collect the document themselves have two options:
2- Withdrawal by proxy :
Send a third party. To do this, this person must have :
- A power of attorney letter written and signed by the student, stating the name of the authorized person.
- Photocopy of student's and proxy's identity card (both sides)
- Copy of the DE issued by ADERE
3- By mail:
(Under the sole responsibility of the student in case of loss)
Send your request by mail to the occupational therapy department, attaching :
- A copy of the DE issued by your school
- A photocopy of both sides of a current identity document
- A large envelope (A4 format) with €5.60 postage and your name and address (diplomas are sent by registered post)
Send your request to :
Faculté de Santé Sorbonne Université
Scolarité Ergothérapie, bureau 24
91 Boulevard de l’Hôpital 75013 PARIS