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Nous avons trouvé 196 résultats pour votre recherche

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The Sorbonne University Science and Culture Festival

… what does the future look like for humanity? Building new relationships and a new "contract" between humans and their … Higher Education Center for the Arts (PSPBB) , The International Center for Educational Studies (CIEP). The …

  • Article

Code of ethics

… it bases itself on the recommendations of national and/or international works, charters and bodies. The Faculty has a … and administration of the Faculty, as well as to its relations with partners from the socio-economic and public …

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M2 - Second-year Master's degree

… courses, with either "professional" or "research" goals: International Centre for Fundamental Physics Nuclei, … Additionally, these programs provide an introduction to related disciplines where advanced training in physics is …

  • Article

M1&M2 - Microbiology course

… of expert laboratories in France and abroad, the special relationships forged with companies in the sectors … effective tools for scientific research in microbiology and related disciplines. The themes are designed to train … of holding positions of responsibility in French and international agencies, health establishments, local …

  • Actualité

Supporting People with Disabilities

… research teams—SAM—participates annually in Cybathlon , an international competition in which athletes with … which a tutor will help them discover all the missions related to the position. At the end of the day, an …

  • Article

Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS)

… des compétences multiples scientifiques et techniques relatives au développement de solutions technologiques … Ingénierie pour la santé propose un autre programme international : Master programme on Technological innovation …

  • Actualité

COP 27: A Mixed Bag

… Do you feel that the measures taken during this COP in relation to this issue are sufficient? D. F.: To try to … was no progress on the reduction of CO 2 emissions from the international community. And several countries, such as … a particular interest in extreme weather events and their relationship to climate change and greenhouse gases. After a …

  • Portrait

Aurel Manga

… is the culmination of my last three years of work, my first international medal and a first result for the public. While … for a field that interests me without being directly related to sport. When I was a kid, I liked to take things …

  • Actualité

Lithium, the new white gold for the green transition?

… white gold for the green transition? With the sale of new internal combustion vehicles to be banned in the European … over the next 20 years? C. L.-R.: According to the International Energy Agency, the annual volume of lithium …

  • Actualité

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships at Sorbonne University and its Alliance partners

… in Europe, by funding excellent research and promoting international mobility, as well as interdisciplinary and … scores higher than 85/100) will be eligible to the internal call of Sorbonne University Seal of Excellence … and to projects receiving the highest EU evaluation scores relative to their panel. … Call for expression of interest …