Creation of 43 medical training departments within the Faculty of Health Sciences
The creation of the Faculty of Health Sciences was an opportunity for Dean Riou and the Dean's team to take a fresh look at the structures that make it up.
In addition to the creation of study councils dedicated to the teaching of midwifery and paramedicine, it seemed necessary to formalise the various courses that make up the second and third cycles of medical studies. To do this, it very quickly became apparent that the structure of our teaching followed the same logic as that corresponding to the teaching departments of the other two faculties of our university. Only the simulation, general medicine and health Masters departments were already part of the Faculty's organisation. Based on this observation, the Dean asked for a census of all the training activities carried out by our university hospital colleagues in order to draw up an exhaustive map.
As a result, 43 teaching departments were identified as follows:
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The function of these departments is to carry out thematic teaching activities in medical studies under the direction of university hospital staff, and as such each department will benefit from an operating budget to support teaching and each university hospital staff member in charge will benefit, after a favourable vote by the Board of Directors, from an administrative bonus as provided for in the deliberations of a previous Board of Directors.
In addition to these 42 departments, all Sorbonne University hospital academic staff in charge of DES teaching, as decided by the Île-de-France deans' conference, will benefit from this administrative bonus.
This proposal will be put to a vote by the Faculty Council on 19 March 2024.