Dominique Costagliola Receives the 2020 Inserm Grand Prix
Inserm, the French National Agency for Health and Medical Research, is awarding its Grand Prix to Dominique Costagliola for her remarkable progress in the fields of epidemiology, biostatistics, public health, drug evaluation and knowledge of several epidemics.
Dominique Costagliola is an Inserm research director, member of the Academy of Sciences, deputy director of the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health- a joint Inserm and Sorbonne University unit, and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
Discover the exceptional scientific career of this world-renowned researcher.
Investment the fight against epidemics
After earning a master's degree in physics from Pierre and Marie Curie University (now Sorbonne University), she graduated from Télécom Paris and then defended a thesis in biological and medical engineering at Paris Diderot University. Dominique Costagliola decided very early on to orient her research in the field of public health, drawing on her knowledge of mathematics, computer science and statistics.
A desire to develop strategies to fight AIDS
During her career, Dominique Costagliola has contributed greatly to the knowledge of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic in France. Since 1986, she has been working on this infection and has developed various related research projects. In particular, she has shown that when a mother is infected with HIV, the risk of transmission to the child is especially high at the end of the pregnancy, thus paving the way for better prevention.
She has also studied the effect of antiretroviral drugs and the severe morbidity of pathologies other than AIDS, notably cancers and myocardial infarction, which has led to the recommendation to treat people infected with HIV at an early stage.
Her experience has thus provided the public authorities with information on HIV prevention and treatment.
Experience and vision during the Covid-19 pandemic
With this expertise in epidemiology and biostatistics, Dominique Costagliola is currently Deputy Director of the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, a joint unit of Inserm and Sorbonne University.
This year, she has once again demonstrated her involvement by organising French research on the new coronavirus and the analysis of Covid-19. She also participated in the creation of scientific coordination at the European level.
The work of Dominique Costagliola and her collaborators has led to the publication of nearly 480 articles in the most prestigious international journals since 1979 (Top 1% scientist, ISI Web of Knowledge).
Prizes and Honors:
1995: Knight of the National Order of Merit
2005: Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honor
2006: Louis-Daniel Beauperthuy Prize of the Academy of Sciences
2013: Inserm Research Prize for his work on HIV/AIDS
2014: Officer of the National Order of the Legion of Honor
2017: Member of the Academy of Sciences