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Kiyoka Kinugawa Bourron

Neurogeriatric doctor and head of the "CHRONOS-SARC-REAL" project, which seeks to improve the diagnosis of sarcopenia.

Ultimately, we hope to develop software that could be used as a medical device to diagnose sarcopenia.

Mélodie Tran Thuan

Student Vice-President

But most importantly, being involved in our institution's governing bodies and serving students has also enabled me to discover mutual aid, altruism, respect and integrity - values that have nurtured my desire to become Student Vice-President

Arnaud Petit

Arnaud Petit, doctor and leader of the “Mannequin patients for future doctors” project

Here the watchwords are “never the first time on the patient” for learning invasive procedures

Catherine Lubetzki

Professor of Neurology

Within 10 years, we hope to have treatments available for the progressive form of multiple sclerosis.

Ève Planeix

High-level synchronized swimmer and psychomotricity student

Participating in the Games at home, in front of the French public, is the Holy Grail of a career!

Simon Pouzet

Associate dean student of the faculty of Medicine

I wanted to get more involved in the life of the university and Sorbonne University

José-Alain Sahel

Visionary Ophthalmologist and Professor

Research has no boundaries and should have no boundaries.

Jalel Hamza

Alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine and intern in pediatrics

Choosing Sorbonne University also meant that I would be studying under very good conditions. At the Faculty of Medicine, we are fortunate to have state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment.